"The most dangerous liars are those who think they are telling the truth." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1418109622./953452981334940/?type=3&theater |
"The most dangerous liars are those who think they are telling the truth." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1418109622./953452981334940/?type=3&theater |
"I've decided that I no longer want to be an adult. If anyone needs me, I will be in my blanket fort….coloring." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1417420204./943283969018508/?type=3&theater |
"One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/945009578845947/?type=1&theater |
"Humans are deuterostomes: when they develop in the womb the anus forms before any other opening, which basically means at one point you were nothing but an asshole. Some people never develop beyond this stage". - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1415866271./939908349356070/?type=3&theater |
"I want to live my life without stress and worries. I don't need to be rich and famous, I just want to be happy." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1415261019./905623769451195/?type=3&theater
"Take the makeup off of a clown and all you will get is an old pervert."- Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. /1073741827.851602434853329/935984729748432/?type=1&theater |
"Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment, who still believe after betrayal, and who still love after they've been hurt." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1414495036./935490389797866/?type=3&theater |
"I'm not anti social but some people are like cotton candy in the rain. So when it comes to friends I'm careful. I would rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/pb.851602434853329.-2207520000.1414048014./922289831117922/?type=3&theater |
"Die with memories…not dreams." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/933299426683629/?type=1&theater |
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/928001817213390/?type=1&theater |
"Small minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. Stay strong!" - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/927570323923206/?type=1&theater |
"Mary had a little lamb, its heart was black as coal. It crept into her room one night and ate her fucking soul." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/927202007293371/?type=1&theater |
Halloween is by far the safest day to kill a person and leave them in a chair on your porch." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/73911349699/photos/a. 10151262870669700.486368.73911349699/10152765343509700/?type=1&theater |
"I sent that ancestry site some information on my family tree, they sent me back a packet of seeds and suggested that I start over." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/923814080965497/?type=1&theater |
"I broke my arm in 3 places so I won't be going back to those places." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/919658331381072/?type=1&theater |
"People with a good sense of humor have a better sense of life." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/918183114861927/?type=1&theater |
"I've got hair in places monkeys don't. While giving birth my mother almost died of rug burn." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/915706491776256/?type=1&theater |
"Be safe this weekend." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/906054262741479/?type=1&theater |
My silly lifesaver that works: "Anxiety often times comes from worrying about the future. Depression often has roots in over thinking about the past. Both of them are a pretty good indication that you are spending too much time inside your head. When I am in need of finding light and coming back to the real world I play a simple trick on myself. I focus on an inanimate object and then force myself to smile. I wait about 20 seconds and force myself to laugh. 20 seconds later I laugh at myself for laughing at an inanimate object. Sounds silly but doing this a few times a day during bad times has greatly enhanced my quality of life." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/912440342102871/?type=1&theater |
Jim Rose asks: "If you had to marry the last person you had sex with, would you be happy?" - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/900549663291939/?type=1&theater |
I used to care what people thought about me…until one day I tried to pay my bills with their opinion." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/910457618967810/?type=1&theater |
"Silence is the most powerful scream." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/908275745852664/?type=1&theater |
"If I got a dollar for every time I thought about you, I would think about you more often." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/904199416260297/?type=1&theater |
Here is a fun fact brought to you by Jim Rose: "If you cut off all your body hair and laid it end to end, you'd be be a fucking weirdo." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/896758227004416/?type=1&theater |
"Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/895042300509342/?type=1&theater |
"Don't forget that you're human. It's okay to have a meltdown. Just don't unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/893448210668751/?type=1&theater |
"If you think I'm crazy now, wait until I get out of this stupid jacket." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/893013434045562/?type=1&theater |
EVER LASTING LOVE "I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, and dreams that turned into reality. It wasn't a bad spin." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/889230167757222/?type=1&theater |
"The world is a magical place full of people waiting to be offended by something." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/888530617827177/?type=1&theater |
"A man walks into a doctor's office with his ass gaping the size of a manhole cover, and says:'I got raped by an elephant.' The doctor said: 'your asshole is too big; elephants have very skinny penises.' The man replied: 'Yeah but he fingered me first!" - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/878478578832381/?type=1&theater |
"Stop trying to figure out who wears the pants in the family. Relationships work best when no one wears pants." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/877515655595340/?type=1&theater |
"I'm sorry, call me old fashioned, but I think shorts should be longer than your vagina." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/875858705761035/?type=1&theater |
"If Jagger can't get no satisfaction and Bono still hasn't found what he's looking for, what chance do we have?" - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/870937406253165/?type=1&theater |
"It's not when I look back at all the memories and good times that makes me sad. It's when you consider those memories as nothing to you when they meant everything to me." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/864881933525379/?type=1&theater
"We don't always need advice. Sometimes all we need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/864162483597324/?type=1&theater |
"Your husband will always be your biggest child that requires the most adult supervision." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/862092870470952/?type=1&theater |
"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used.
The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved
and people are being used." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/860126700667569/?type=1&theater |
"What if when we die, the light at the end of the tunnel we see is just us being pushed out of another vagina." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/857799270900312/?type=1&theater |
"Redneck murders are hard to solve. There are no dental records and all of the DNA is the same." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/857053897641516/?type=1&theater |
"Love doesn't hurt. Lying, cheating and screwing with people's feelings and emotions is what hurts." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/856531011027138/?type=1&theater |
"Do not call me into any service that requires violence because I will hide like a common coward." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/855419187804987/?type=1&theater |
"In the end, all that matters is how you treat people." - Jim Rose - https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938185912. 1073741827.851602434853329/855124627834443/?type=1&theater |
"I have been called rebellious, wrong, a black sheep and different because I refuse to be what everyone else is and I am thankful that I am not alone". - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a. 851609938185912.1073741827.851602434853329/ 890625807617658/?type=1&theater
"A Machiavellian chameleon blends in, absorbs and takes over." - Jim Rose https://www.facebook.com/memeento/photos/a.851609938 185912.1073741827.851602434853329/85467126121311 3/?type=1&theater |